Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blogging opportunity

I am honored that you felt compelled to create "Carol's Clan."  Does that make me the Clan Master?  or Grand Poobah?

For those of you who do not have a blog, this would be an EXCELLENT place to dip your toe into the online world of art.  Debbie and I, and I'm sure Nancy too, attribute more than 50% of our sales to online transactions.

To get accepted into online galleries, such as, or or, you have to first have a blog where you post you newest paintings regularly.

Creating your own blog is really easy.  The only skill you need to know is how to upload a photo.  You should all be photographing your work as you complete it anyway.  I create a new folder on my computer each year, and put the images there as I add more work.
ROTHKO-1, 11035

I give each painting an inventory number.  That Rothko demo painting is called "ROTHKO-1", 11035, meaning it was the 35th painting completed in 2011.  The more you paint, the more important and inventory numbering system is.  I have probably painted over 50 poppy paintings over the years.  They're all called Poppy This or Poppy That.
When someone purchases a painting, the number system assures that  we're talking about the same painting.
My blog is

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your inventory numbering system. Good info to have.
